Mechanical Models of Artery Walls Chapter 3: History of Artery Wall Modelling
Piotr Kalita, Robert Schaefer
Number of words | 860 |
Computer science content | low |
Math content | low |
Business content | none |
English language complexity | high |
Sub-areas covered
- cardiovascular models
Learning objectives
- to understand the basic structure of the cardiovascular system
- to learn the terminology associated with the cardiovascular system
- to learn about mechanical models of artery walls
- to learn about the possible application of computer science in medicine
This is the third chapter of an article on mechanical models of artery walls, presenting a short review of artery wall modeling history. It starts with the derivation of the word artery. Next, the authors present models of blood circulation, describing their characteristics and their advantages and disadvantages.
Jest to trzeci rozdział pracy poświęconej mechanicznemu modelowaniu ścianek tętnic, w którym autorzy skoncentrowali się na krótkim przedstawieniu historii tego zagadnienia. Ta część rozpoczyna się od wyprowadzenia znaczenia słowa artery (tętnica), a następnie zaprezentowane zostają kolejne modele układu krwionośnego wraz z ich opisami.
Pre-reading questions
- Draw a simple model of the cardiovascular system and name its main parts (arteries, veins, heart etc.).
- Think about a model of the system as a tree with the heart as its root.
See also: