Lord Palmerston on Programming
Joel Spolsky
Number of words | 2230 |
Computer science content | medium |
Business content | low |
English language complexity | high |
Sub-areas covered
- self-developing
- learning
- programmers’ culture
- programming expertise
Learning objectives
- to understand what is important in a programmer’s work
- to recognize practical attitudes towards programming and work
- to be aware of the kind of problems programmers have to face
This article is about different computer programming “worlds” and how they differ from one another. The author suggests that the difference between programming “worlds” is so big that it is almost impossible for one person to understand and compare them. He also stresses the need for a programmer to never stop learning so as to stay proficient in his/her computer programming “world”.
Artykuł traktuje o konieczności ciągłego uczenia się dla zachowania statusu eksperta w programowaniu. Rozległość wiedzy, którą powinien posiąść programista rośnie coraz szybciej i tam, gdzie kiedyś wystarczyło przeczytać jedną książkę by wiedzieć wszystko, teraz nie wystarczają kilkuletnie studia. Autor podkreśla również wagę praktycznego doświadczenia przy pracach programistycznych.
Pre-reading questions
- What does the phrase “a good programmer” mean to you?
- What abilities/skills should a good programmer have?
- Api or library? Which is more important?
- Give some examples of the main programming areas.
- Which programming languages are important now?
See also: